All members of the GCC Team undergo comprehensive and ongoing training specific to their job role. All operational employees including managers undergo GCC’s bespoke Cleaning Proficiency Course which is aligned to the British Institute of Cleaning Science (BICSc) standard using NHS Cleanliness and Infection Control guidelines as a baseline. GCC is a corporate member of BICSc.

GCC’s specialist mobile technicians receive further, specific, training for their role using external specialists and industry bodies as required.
All GCC’s cleaning operatives and techs receive regular refresher training and upskilling to ensure they are suitably experienced and motivated to enable them to carry out their duties effectively, safely and with due care.
We only use recommended, quality cleaning products with COSHH data sheets available for each product.
GCC’s bespoke Cleaning Proficiency Course consists of a range of modules including:
Health & Safety
The health and welfare of our cleaners, our customers and visitors to our customers' sites is of vital importance so Health & Safety is top of the agenda.
Cleaning Skills
Knowledge of Cleaning Skills is under-rated, but without them we could just be using detergent diluted to the wrong concentration and mopping dirt from one place to another.
NHS Colour-Coded Cleaning
GCC uses NHS colour coding as the basis for its cleaning strategy and Risk Assessments & Method Statements (RAMS) to prevent cross contamination.
Environmental Awareness
Promoting environmental awareness is an easy way to ensure that GCC's cleaners are aware of how they can do their bit by saving water and ensuring that chemicals are disposed of correctly.
Specialist Skills
Wherever possible, GCC's cleaners are upskilled to allow them to cover a range of client sites, delivering specialist services when required.