Positive legionella testing results can be extremely worrying for anyone in charge of a business or other property and you need to be certain that an Action Plan is put together by a Legionella Qualified Person immediately.
As soon as Legionella Management Solutions are notified of a positive result this is notified to our client immediately and this includes interim positive results.
The positive result is logged in Legionella Management Solutions system as a non-conformance.
What action is taken following a positive legionella test depends on the levels of bacteria detected. Once you know more about the levels and locations of the bacteria and the design of your system, the remedial actions can be decided.
It could be that all samples are fine except for one taken at a disused shower head. In that case, thoroughly cleaning it, disinfecting it and flushing through that portion of the system is the best thing to do – ahead of a further test.
If raised levels are seen throughout the system or the levels are high enough to be of real concern the affected parts of the water system should be isolated and not used until measures are taken to reduce the bacterial growth. In extreme cases, the entire water system may be shut down while this takes place.
A thorough disinfection and flush of the entire system along with intensive cleaning and maintenance where required is often the only solution in this case.
Regular monthly sampling needs to be undertaken until the system no longer returns positive results and then reduced to quarterly, then 6 monthly.
Legionella Management Solutions works with clients to ascertain where in their system the bacteria is proliferating and to identify the best course of action to reduce and eliminate.
We will help you to protect your customers, staff and others in meeting your health and safety obligations is this specialist area.