With over 48 years of experience in the sector, Legionella Management Solutions (LMS) is well placed to service all your East Midlands Legionella Compliance and Water Management requirements.

We recognise that our clients expect high standards with no disruption to their day to day operations so we plan and deliver service to always meet their requirements.

Legionella Management Solutions can help ease your compliance worries by providing a bespoke service including a full, end to end, hot & cold water system management service.

Legionella Compliance and Water Management Services

Legionella Management Solutions offers a wide range of Legionella Compliance and Water Management services in the East Midlands, some of which are listed below:

We are constantly reacting to our customer feedback and consistently strive to always improve and adapt our services. If you have a request that is not listed, let us know and we will always endeavour to meet your needs.

WHY WORK WITH LMS To Deliver Your Legionella Risk Assessments & Testing across the East Midlands