At Legionella Management Solutions (LMS) we specialise in providing high-quality Legionella Compliance and Water Management Services to businesses of all sizes throughout Yorkshire. Our 48 years of experience in the facilities management industry, ensures that we can deliver bespoke legionella management solutions to your business.

We understand the importance of ensuring that your water systems are fully compliant and deliver a fresh, clean supply to your users. To achieve this we provide fully bespoke services to meet your individual needs, in order to deliver value for money and added-value wherever possible. We take as much pride in your premise as you do and reflect this passion in the work we do.

Legionella Compliance and Water Management Services in Yorkshire

Legionella Management Solutions can help ease your compliance worries by providing a bespoke service including a full, end to end, hot & cold water system management service. We tailor our services to fit you and your business’ needs, and offer a wide range of services, including:

Why Work With LMS To Deliver Your Legionella Risk Assessment & Testing across Yorkshire